Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Haka - Protected

watching the haka is great experience, especially when its live.. loving to watch does not means the we can perform it. A lot of folks really do not understant that the haka, reflects the culture and heritage of the kiwis.. I feel really embarassed when I see Malaysian team especially the school boys who does the haka after or before the game. mainly because this is not part of our culture and heritages And most of the time they do not performed it correctly also seldom they understand the meanings and what it represents.. below is an article from rugby heaven australia..


All Blacks haka given to Maori tribe for protection
February 11, 2009 - 1:03PM
New Zealand's world famous war dance, the haka, has been officially given to a Maori tribe to help protect it from commercial rip-offs.
The New Zealand government has designated intellectual property rights of the All Blacks' war cry, Ka Mate, to a North Island tribal group as part of a compensation deal to be signed on Wednesday.
The deal recognises that the haka was composed by the tribe's legendary Maori chief, Te Rauparaha, to celebrate the fiery warrior's escape from death in a battle in the 1820s.
The tribe, Ngati Toa, is not expected to be able to claim royalties from the agreement, but it will be able to officially address long-term grievances over its inappropriate commercial use.
"Ngati Toa's primary objective is to prevent the misappropriation and culturally inappropriate use of the Ka Mate haka," the official settlement letter states.
In 2006, car maker Fiat angered the tribe when it released a television ad of Italian women giving a slap-dash rendition of the haka, traditionally only performed by men.
There was also controversy when New Zealand's 2007 bakery of the year awards featured a mock performance by gingerbread men.
Ngati Toa was again upset when it was performed repeatedly in the Hollywood movie Forever Strong, a film about a high school rugby team in the United States.
The tribe has tried to trademark Ka Mate several times over the past decade to limit commercial abuse but has failed, largely due to concerns it could charge the All Blacks up to NZ$1.5 million to perform it.
The new agreement is largely symbolic, but it is considered immensely significant by Maori leaders. As well as authorship of the haka, the crown acknowledged Te Rauparaha was detained without trial for 18 months, during which time much of the tribe's land was sold.
The haka is a special provision in a larger government compensation package negotiated with Ngati Toa for breaches of New Zealand's Treaty of Waitangi, an agreement over land and human rights signed by British settlers and indigenous people in 1840.
The New Zealand government has given billions of dollars to redress lost land and other past wrongs but this is the first compensation deal to include intellectual property.

1 comment:

kudo said...

aku masa student kat newcastle ada la nonton my newcastle friends main rugby lawan warwick uni (friendly). masa tu ada revival of rugger la amongst msian students (asyik bola je). so team newcastle ni semangat la - import players (psl budak newcastle uni tak cukup), sampai sorang dari tonga lagi. cukup dgn uniform semua la. come the day of the match, buat haka. bebudak warwick uni yg dtg sempoi je.

result? newcastle kalah. hahahaha.