Monday, September 07, 2009

Penilaian Darjah 5 now UPSR

Tomorrow Aiman will be taking his UPSR exam at Hira' Batu Belah. I remembered vaugely taking the Penilaian Darjah 5 exam in 1981. Those days it was the defining exam in your primary student life. The first of many stressing exams. Most parents wants their children to get 5As so as to get better chances to be admitted to the boarding schools. I too had the ambitions to go to a boarding school, after reading books by Enid Blighton on boys living in boarding school (cant remember the name of the book). I was very fortunate to get 5As in the exams as i can't remember studying for it or going for tuitions.

These days not much has changed with regards of expectations of parents towards their children. Tuition centres grew fast and furious to accomodate the needs of the parents (not the children). I think the tutions centres provide a piece of mine for the parents that they are doing something...
Also i personally find tuitions are very am i going to let my children go through something that i my self do not enjoy.... ?? ow come on.... its still damn long way to go.... its not the end of the world.... you can't even use your upsr results to be admitted to the university and it is not reflected even n your CV.....

as for my own children, i wish like all parents that they would succeed in life and hereafter. Though i do not want to put undue stress to them. I do not sent Aiman to tuitions classes at all. Instead i discussed with him on his study schedules early in the year. I try to instill values of planning and working hard for it. Bit by bit and consistency. Results does not matter as long as he has given the his best. The same principles i try to teach him when preparing for a game. You work hard preparing and you will reapt the fruits at the end of the day. If you do not achieve what you hope then it is ok, because you have done all humanly possible.

I hope and pray that he does is best, insyallah.....

1 comment:

2sen said...

hehe, terbaek bang...

bak kato coco,
praise effort not result...

my2senthought aka palong...hahaha